Meet Olo


African Meaning of Olo Onuma:

Olo – means… Strength, Power, Dominance and Completeness.
Onuma – means… Endurance and Wisdom.

A fitness entrepreneur with a very successful experience in servicing the community and transforming lives in significant ways. Olo who’s also an investor is the founder of the revolutionary program called Evolution Lifestyle Fitness.

Olo still makes time to train exclusively… a very select few of clients, online & offline.

Raised by a very structured family of success under the African cultural umbrella of Nigeria, striving for anything less than excellence was unacceptable. Since early childhood, Olo always wanted to make more of an intentional difference in people’s lives. That desire eventually shaped into a personal mission and vision of not only making a difference but making it significant as well… locally, nationally and globally.

Well, in order to make this mission and vision a lot more effective like everything else, he decided to start with himself at an early age. Being an ambitious person, he was able to take advantage of his self discipline and dedication to transform himself accordingly and became much more fit overall.

He immediately got involved in fitness modeling and some acting. People were approaching him at the gym with lots of questions and he maximized on it to help delightfully. He was constantly asked or assumed to be a trainer, so he joyfully became one. Best decision he made to align on his purpose of making a significant difference in people’s lives. Many years in the game, in Olo’s words “so far so beautiful”. An elite force to be reckoned with when it comes to delivering outstanding experience and results done right as well as using the unique system for a much better optimal outcome.

Qualifications & Education:

  • IFTA: Certified Personal Trainer
  • Action: Certified Personal Trainer
  • ISSA: Certified Fitness Trainer
  • ISSA: Certified Transformation Specialist.
  • ISSA: Certified Nutritionist / Coaching
  • LT: Certified Group Trainer
  • ISSA: Certified Elite Trainer
  • Bachelors Degree in Business Administration / Entrepreneurship

Specialty Areas:

  • Lifestyle Transformation Specialist

Interests & Hobbies

  • Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
  • Fitness Modeling & Bodybuilding
  • Acting & Dancing
  • Fashion, Movies & Music


  • Surveyed as one of the most likable / admired team member amongst other team members at Life Time & Lifestyle Family Fitness..
  • Recognized as one of few the Trainers amongst many with the best Customer/Client Connectivity & Retentive Experience – Life Time Athletic of Falls, Raleigh NC.
  • Multiple times Gold Shirt Winner (Lifestyle Family Fitness NC District Top Producer/Sales Trainer).
  • Multiple times Plantation Point Club MVP Winner. Lifestyle Family Fitness Raleigh, NC.
  • Recognized within his community for delivering one of the most successful client transformation result & experience.
  • Trainer for Multiple National Runner-up & Finalist participants of Life Time Transformation / Weight loss 90 and 60 Day Challenges.
  • Life Time Artistry Award for Team Excellence.
  • Multiple times winner of top producer/sales trainer @ Life Time Athletic of Falls, Raleigh, NC
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