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I lost 43 lbs and 17% body fat and my waist also went from 34 inches to 26 inches in only 4 ½ months!! With the expertise, persistence and motivation from my personal trainer, Olo- WE DID IT! Olo’s expertise regarding fitness and nutrition, thorough explanations, passion for his clients’ goals, and “structured” approach is a winning combination and really put me on theright path to achieve my goals. However, I must admit, at times, I felt like Olo was more determined than me…. especially towards the end (of Phase 1), when I had a “thought” to settle on the last 6 lbs; but he knew exactly what was needed and wouldn’t let my thought become reality. I will always be grateful for his aggressive “push” and creative training regiments when I needed it most. Olo – Thanks for being #1 and simply the BEST personal trainer there is!

I lost 45 pounds, my body fat dropped from 39% to 11.68% and I dropped from a size 12/14 to a size 4! Get a Personal Trainer! And if you’re fortunate enough to get the kind of trainer that I have, you’ll quickly learn that your experience will be a life changing one. Olo gives you the tools you need to be successful and he pushes you to work hard. He’s extremely knowledgeable about your overall fitness, and he’s accountable for your success. He also expects you to be accountable too! Quite frankly, he cares more about your success than you do. He has rare qualities that are hard to find in a personal trainer. I learned the importance of resistance training, cardio and nutrition, and how they work together to help you lose weight, build muscle and lose body fat. This is called being FIT, and that’s what body fat has to do with this process! You become healthier, have more energy and look great – lean and toned. Olo has changed my life in ways he doesn’t even realize, and I’ll be forever grateful. At 44 years old, with two teenage boys (ages 17 and 19), I’m now a Group Fitness Instructor and life couldn’t be better. I owe it all to my personal trainer…..THANK YOU OLO!

Dropped 20 + Pounds and 7.54% Drop in Body Fat I have been working out for the better part of 25 years. While I was able to keep myself in pretty good shape I was never able to take it to the next level. That’s what working out with Olo does,he takes you to fitness levels you couldn’t even imagine for yourself, and as you begin to believe he encourages you not to settle and to continue pushing to be the best you can be!

I lost 30 pounds and 7 inches in my waist! I was tired of not being happy with the way I looked and felt. I was inspired by my friend Cassandra Brown (Olo’s Client) to join the gym and make a life style change. With Olo’s program I was focused and devoted to the food and exercise guidelines. Less than 2 months I lost 20 pounds, 7 inches in my waist, and 5% fat decrease. Now three months has passed and I have lost a total of 30 pounds. I highly recommend Olo Onuma to those who are struggling to lose weight, and are looking for helpful tips. Olo is very knowledgeable in health and fitness, and has helped many people with his expert advice.
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WE DID IT, “CHIEF OLO”!!! Weight: 190 lbs 130 lbs; Body Fat: 36.8% 23.8%; Waist: 36” 26”. Thank you Olo for helping me through this tiresome and difficult process. You knew when to be stern, understanding and kind during my training sessions. At times, you were stubborn, merciless, and difficult to work with; however, I wouldn’t have had you any other way. Your attitude was exactly what I needed to help me surpass YOUR GOAL and mine! As of April 2010, my current body fat is 23.8% and I’ve lost a total of 60 lbs. No more weight loss Olo, I’m finish!!!!!!!!!

Dropped 75lbs, went from 22/24 size to an 8.Current waist line 27-28. …. I dropped a lot of weight on my own starting out however, since working with Olo I have dropped more weight, inches and most importantly I have dropped and reduce my body fat tremendously and gotten toned up as well; Which were the quality things that doesn’t always comes with weight loss and I was unable to accomplish by myself. In other words, is one thing to lose weight and it is another to lose body fat and get toned as well. I have always wanted to train with Olo even when I had a different trainer, I admired is training style and distinctive obvious result from his other clients from all ages, body types e.t.c. When the opportunity presented itself, I joined the Olo’s training team and here is outcome since Olo’s Kinesis training class in ONLY 4 months at 55 YEARS OLD and still rolling. He is the MAN!!!

I have lost 11pounds and 4.5 inches from my waist and my body fat went from 30% to 20% in 4 months. I had noticed Olo’s wall of fame and figured with his success rate and a little hard work my goal could be met. After 4 months I am proud to say that I have not only reached my goal but have exceeded it. I am a healthy weight of 133 pounds with 20% body fat and I have not seen numbers like these in years. Olo has given me the tools and knowledge thru nutrition and exercise that will last me a lifetime. Thanks Olo for helping me get back the healthy and lean body that I am proud of!!!:).

I went from weighing 139lbs to 120lbs, my body fat went from 29% to 20% and waist went from 33in to 27in. To put in real life numbers, a size 8 to 0 in jeans. Olo is the best: his patience, experience, ability to tolerate my attitude and did I say his personality were key in helping me making it! THANKS OLO!
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In March of 2006 my wife gave birth to our first child, a wonderful baby boy, and I quickly learned that I didn’t have nearly enough energy to keep up with him. I needed to change the way I was living and try to get healthier if I planned on being around to watch him grow up and experience life. I was assigned to Olo for my PT 1,2 & 3. We talked about my goals and what I was willing to do to make a change. I told him I wanted to lose 30 pounds and quit smoking. We discussed nutrition and the changes I would have to make in my eating habits. Olo then set up a workout that was going to help me accomplish my goals if I would do my part by eating right. I really liked the individual attention that Olo gave me. That kind of dedication to me as a client didn’t go unnoticed. Thanks Olo for truly going through this experience with me.

After 20 years of trying to find my way to fitness on my own, I decided to accept the fact that I needed to do some different. I needed a fitness professional who not only knew what I had to do to get in shape, but also who knew how to guide me, how to inspire me and how to help me ensure that I stayed in shape day after day, week after week, month after month. In short, I needed an extraordinary fitness coach and partner who could help me stay on course and on target. Olo Onuma is that individual. In early 2016 I joined Olo’s Transformation Squad, which combines intense cardio with focused strength training three mornings a week. Olo guides the class through an ever-changing series of workouts using dumbbells, kettle bells, body weight exercises, sprints and more. “Challenging” doesn’t even begin to describe these sessions, but we have men and women of all ages and fitness levels participate and complete the workouts successfully. And while these sessions are tough, Olo keeps them fun and rewarding with games, workout tips and “Olo’s Famous Life Lessons.” Most class members been a part of the class for 18 months or more, and many of us — including me — adhere to Olo’s diet recommendations. And the results? Well, for me, they’ve been extraordinary. I’m 56 and stand at 5’ 10.5”. Over the past two years, I’ve gone from 195 pound to 167 pounds, my body fat percentage has dropped from 26 percent to between 15 and 17 percent, and my vOx (volume of oxygen) improved from acceptable to optimal for someone of my age. At a time when so many of my peers are getting lazier, gaining weight, slowing down and softening up, I feel better, think better, sleep better and am an all-around better husband, father, friend and person than at any point in my life. Olo is a true professional and has become a close friend to my wife and me (my wife trains with Olo one-on-one). Without a doubt, he’s one of the most focused, talented and creative fitness coaches I’ve ever met, and I feel fortunate to have his as my fitness mentor (even when I’m sore and exhausted from his workouts!). Olo has inspired me to achieve more than I ever thought possible, and for that I am eternally grateful. In a word, Olo Onuma is extraordinary
When I was a baby, it was cute; baby fat that I would outgrow. As a child, my family assured me as I got taller, I’d slim down. As a teenager, I had such a ‘pretty face’ if only I could drop the weight. Well, I didn’t outgrow my weight issues. Not only didn’t I outgrow them, they became steadily more taxing in adulthood. I felt trapped. As a child, I loved to swim and even swam competitively in my teens. As an adult, more often I was sitting on the side of the pool to avoid having to wear a bathing suit. Last year, everything hit the fan. In October, I was in a serious car accident. Every part of my body hurt. There was the physical therapy, the lawyers, and fighting with the insurance companies – it was beyond stressful. I started to gain more weight from all the stress eating. Barely a month later, my father passed away. He’d been battling bone cancer for years but what eventually killed him were complications to his diabetes. It was a serious wake-up call. How could I not change my habits? What was it going to take? With the help of a dedicated trainer, Olo Onuma, and the support of numerous other Life Time staff members, I began to see changes. Olo pushed me hard with strength training but more importantly, he pushed me to believe in myself and my journey. I placed my trust in something bigger than myself for once, and the weight steadily came off. While I still have weight to lose, completing the 60-Day challenge has been such an accomplishment. As Olo would say, where it begins to get uncomfortable is where change starts.
As an African American male I grew up in a family where terrible eating, heavy alcoholic drinking was the norm. But not only that drugs had plagued our family. On the outside many of us looked awesome but the reality was many of my family had terrible health conditions. It was horror at times watching your family members die an early death. I lived my life witnessing my grandfather die in his 50͛s. From uncles to cousins I witnessed early deaths and most of it was the result of an unhealthy lifestyle.
That’s when I found Olo. I was heading into Walmart and these 2 young men with sweat suits on were there talking and I said I remember when my body used to look like that. Olo said it still can look this way. I͛’m like, “yeah right”. At my age with all this weight no way. So we begin to talk and as I discussed my issues with them they said warren you need to come meet us at the gym. After a few weeks Olo told me they had a 60 day challenge coming up. I did it and met great people who helped me to change my eating habits as well as put me on a great workout plan to help me loose weight. I’m thankful for this organization. But man, I͛’m really thankful to the BEST trainer Olo Onuma for not letting me say NO!
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I lost a total of 11 pounds within 6 weeks!
Olo has helped to achieve my goal of losing 10 or more pounds through his nutritional advisement and physical workout plan. He has shown 100% dedication to helping me live a healthier lifestyle with proper nutrition and exercise. He is totally committed to helping his clients achieve success with their weight loss goals. Olo is a great trainer and he shows that he cares through his motivation. I am beyond impressed. Gwen Hopkins
Many Thanks to My Personal Trainer!

So far, I’ve dropped 9% body fat and lost 27lbs. I’m much happier and I feel wonderful! Olo has been very amazing over the past couple of months…At times, I’ve wanted to say “forget it” as my personal fitness coach, he has pushed me and reminded me of my goals. It makes losing weight a lot easier when you have someone like Olo who believes in you!

Thanks to my trainer Olo Onuma I am winning the battle when it comes to weight loss. Olo is so passionate about helping you to realize what you need to do to reach your goal. You can tell when you are training with him that he is serious about health and wellness. So far I have loss twenty-seven pounds and four dress sizes in four months. I have no doubt that Olo will be there by my side to say, “Connie I told you that you can do it!” He is an inspiration to me.

My name is Mary Spencer and I am just shy of 60 years old. I never thought I would be in this place in terms of my physical fitness and appearance at this point in my life. I thought I would continue to “yo-yo” in my weight, wear skirts or dresses to hide my thighs, and be tired and worn down after a typical day. After having my second daughter when I was 44 years old, I was never able to lose all of the pregnancy weight and pretty much continued to carry the extra weight and misery for several years. I’d lose a bit here and there but never got it under control. At first, I was working out on my own, feeling better but still not losing the weight or the inches…..until I met Olo Onuma and started working out with him two days a week with an extra boot camp class on the weekends. I knew the moment I met Olo he would be the right trainer for me. He clearly is an expert in fitness, how the body works, and through conversations and discussing my short and long term goals with him, we began our process together. As my conditioning improved, I was able to keep up with my workout and push even harder. My weights were slowly increasing and over time, I not only lost 30 pounds but I lost body fat and inches across all areas of my body. Olo knew my heart and was there each and every session motivating me, encouraging me, and holding me accountable to my goals. I am now a person that loves how I feel and how I look. My confidence has grown tremendously and I am the healthiest I have been since my 20’s. I owe this to Olo and his expertise and support and his ability to motivate me to do my best!
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I have lost 35lbs and my body fat percentage decreased from 39.7 to 29.6. I also lost 5 inches off my waist.

Wow, it has been 7 months already! What a journey this has been. I am very elated that I met my weight lost goal of 50lbs. I went from a size 18 to a 12. These results came about due to hard work, discipline, dedication, determination, consistency, and will power. There are 3 things that have to take place. 1)continue to out with my personal trainer for at least but not limited to 6 more months to tone my over all body, 2)continue to perform cardio at least but not limited to 5 days a week, 3)continue to realize that this is a Life Style Change forever.
Again, I must give thanks to 1st and foremost my Lord Jesus Christ and Savior for giving me the strength and health to get this journey started. Next, I can’t thank my wonderful and loving husband enough for making this a team effort and keeping me on tract. And last but never least a super thanks to the KING of personal trainers, Olo for his splendid EXPERTISE on restoring me. People often ask me, “Isn’t it expensive to pay a personal trainer?” Well my respond to them is when I see real weight loss results, live a healthy & fit life, feel fantastic and look fabulous – IT IS PRICELESS. LaTonya Robinson

Lost 30lbs, 8 inches from my waist and dropped 15.4% bodyfat. Upon a mutual agreement between my wife, we made one of the best decisions in changing our life style together. This entailed joining under a highly recommended personal trainer, Olo. A brother so dedicated and stern about his job, but yet can be so encouraging to motivate belief in your self as he believes in you to endure the task he set for you, that’s Olo. I commend him for the respect/concern he shows. Thanks Olo for believing, pushing me to the limit and being a great coach. If you are reading this and are thinking about a lifestyle change, think no longer, just do it, you want regret it.

I Iost 31lbs and lost 8% bodyfat. I owe my success to my personal trainer Olo Onuma! He consistently encourages me to stay on a healthier lifestyle and holds me accountable for my goals. Each time we meet, he pushes me to do something that I never thought I could physically do. I am forever grateful to Olo- he’s actually made exercising enjoyable.
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Olo is my personal trainer and I know that my success is because of him. I could not have lost 13 lbs in 8 weeks (working out for 30 minutes 2 times a week) without him. Because Olo knew my goal was to fit into my wedding dress he asked me what areas I wanted to work on or reduce the most and then he devised a plan for rapid success. He dedicated himself to my goal and we reach it together. He pushed me and motivated me and made me feel like a success every time I worked with him.

Lost 41 lbs and 20% body fat in 4 months! Olo helped me do what I had not done in the past…put all of the key principles together at one time…NUTRITION, RESISTANCE, CARDIO. I had done each of these things before, but had never tried all three together. When personal training is added to this mix, it takes things to the next level because you have expert knowledge shared, someone to push you beyond what you think your limits are, and someone to hold you accountable because they are also personally invested in your success. I was skeptical, but Olo told me, “If you do all the things I tell you to do, this WILL work. . I know I could not have made it this far without Olo and I can’t wait for the rare smile and high five I’ll get when I reach my goal!

I have lost 21 lbs, 7 inches from my waist and 7% body fat in just 8 weeks! I have gone down 2 dress sizes and feel better than I have in a long time. I still have about 30 more lbs to lose but I am swiftly moving in the right direction. With Olo’s continued support I am committed to reaching my goal to live my best life! After my first class with Olo, I was so overwhelmed that I was in tears! I felt like my goals were unattainable. Olo assured me that this feeling would only be temporary and not to give up. I lost 5 lbs the very first week and 2-4 lbs each week thereafter! Thanks to Olo, I have changed my lifestyle completely.

I’ve never had a personal trainer so dedicated to helping me reach my goals. Olo keeps me accountable and on the right track. To date he has helped me lose 20Ibs and I know that the process would’ve taken much longer without him. I have referred two family members to train with him as well and would certainly recommend him to others. With the help of Olo and Lifestyle Family Fitness, I know that I will achieve my goal.
I’ve lost 20Ibs Waist went down from 36 inches to 31.5 inches. Body Fat down from 31% to 27%
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I lost 22lbs, 6% bodyfat and 4 inches from my waist in only 3 months! Olo is the type of personal trainer that is dedicated to his job and he’s always making sure that I am reaching my goal weight every week. I thank God that he was my personal trainer and I will always remember what he taught me.

Through the disciplined training with Olo, I have lost weight, gained strength and my back pain and stiffness is almost non existent. I have learned that making some lifestyle changes in diet and exercise will enhance your quality of life. Thank you Olo for your knowledge and guidance through this journey! –

In four weeks!! I am on my way to a healthier life, I lost 13 pounds and 7 % body fat and my waist dropped two inches! Thanks to Olo for the high fives! Now I am full of energy, blood sugars are with in normal ranges with out medications and I am on my way to reaching my goal. As my personal trainer, Olo would say “Good Job Eva!”

Nine months ago when I started working out with Olo, I was my heaviest ever. Since then I’ve dropped over 55 pounds. Choosing to make healthy eating and exercise a lifestyle change has empowered me to take charge of my health and personal fitness.
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I lost 38lbs and 8% bodyfat. I thank Olo, for his belief in me from day one, the potential he has always seen from day one, and for motivating me.

My weight has always fluctuated from elementary all the way to high school. I had a diagnosis from my doctor of pre-diabetes and high blood pressure in June, this jump-started my life in a direction of wanting to get healthy and stay that way. Upon joining the Lifestyle Fitness gym I would always walk by the “Wall of Worthiness” as I call it. These men and women were worthy of having their before and after pictures on this wall, I was shocked to see such amazing transformations for so many. I always thought you had to eat and sleep in the gym to obtain such results. After reading these testimonies week-after-week I had made up in my mind, if these people could do it then so could I. I scheduled an appointment with Olo to find out how I could be one of these people with a great success story, upon meeting with Olo I was given all the tools that I would need which included: weekly workout schedule, healthy and well balanced eating plan, and the proper strength training exercises to attain my goals. Olo has given me something that I lacked which was motivation and encouragement, even when my mouth says “I can’t,” Olo says “you can.”

In January 2010, I decided that I would challenge myself and work with a personal trainer. A reliable source referred me to Olo. In the beginning months, every exercise was extremely hard for me. Olo would be standing there watching and saying “come on Thea, keep moving”, as I felt the smoke blowing from my ears. I can laugh now as I am thankful for the constant push. I appreciate Olo’s awesome program which includes motivation and inspiration from all the members, especially “my group”. The weekly weigh-ins and his availability to my questions and concerns are also appreciated as I press forward to my goal.

Lost: 39 pounds, 8 inches from my waist, and 10% body fat. My trainer, Olo, has helped me lose 39 pounds in 3.5 months. I have also gone down 4 pant sizes and have gained a lot of muscle and physical strength.
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I lost 70lbs in 3 months. I know that I could not have done this without Olo. He is truly MY PERSONAL TRAINER!!!. Thanks Olo… thanks for believing in me and pushing me and giving me that extra drive and determination.

I started at 191 and I am now 169.4. I am 9.4 pounds away from the goal that Olo and I established in the beginning.

I have been working with Olo for 4 months and have currently lost 20 pounds 2% body fat. Olo pushes me far beyond where I think I can go… I appreciate his hard work and dedication. He is a true professional and very dedicated to what he does. – La’Shonda Alston

Hello, my name is Chris Marlow and for nearly two years now I have been working out with Olo Onuma and his Transformation Squad. I have enjoyed the experience immensely and I am very happy with the results. My main focus when I first started with Olo was to maintain what I had already achieved as I had managed to lose a good amount of weight before I started the group sessions. Olo and I started talking and he convinced me that the next stage for me should be to work on my body fat rather than worry about my weight. He gave some tips and I changed my diet to coincide with my training sessions and the results were noticeable right away. My body fat dropped from 19% to 13% (and dropped about 20 lbs. at the same time) over the course of 60 days. I was completely blown away by what happened, and while I am not dieting as hard as I was originally (and gained back a little weight accordingly), I am now maintaining myself at 190 lbs. and very pleased with myself and the results that Olo helped me get
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Welcome to the beginning of my new life. Thanks to Lifetime I now know that I will reach my goals by staying consistent, keeping a positive attitude, and managing life one day at a time. Last April I hit an all-time low and just like countless other people struggling with obesity, I was desperate to find a way to get rid of my excess weight. My struggle with anxiety, depression, and stress put me on an endless cycle of continuing to gain weight year after year. I became tired of always having no energy to enjoy life. I knew there was only one way for me to get my life back –I had to find Olo. There is no judgement, just positive encouragement to keep pushing us forward on our journey. From the entrance staff that greet us on the way in and again on the way out, to the professional trainers, and kids academy team – our life has improved tremendously. Persistence, determination, positive affirmations, consistency and the full use of Lifetime are all keys to the success I have accomplished thus far.I use a fitness watch to track activity, carry a half gallon water jug with me to stay well hydrated, and I continue to meet with Olo on a regular basis to build strength and progress on my journey. I celebrate non-scale victories and never stop believing in myself. No one can do this work for me. This is my journey and mine to make a success.

My name is Jennifer Dunn Maier and I have been working out with Olo in his transformation class for three years. I have changed my diet, I have lost 35 pounds. He has helped me with my training for a ½ Marathon. Since working out with Olo, I am more flexible, have more energy, and feel good about myself. Olo has always been very encouraging.

I lost 23 lbs. in 6 weeks! I have lost 3 inches off my waist, my diastolic blood pressure has dropped 16 points while my systolic dropped by 26. Overall, my personal trainer has shown me that I am capable of losing weight in less than half of the time it would have taken me on my own, and still be healthy!

Since I started working with Olo I have lost more than 30lbs. I have gone down 2 dress sizes and still losing. – Alicia Eatmon
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I am proud to announce that I now weigh 209.7 lbs and have lost 61.5 lbs in only 90 days.
That’s a grand total of 87.3 lbs since I’ve joined Lifetime just 6 months ago.
So here it is….“I love you no matter what you look like. I married you because I love you, all of you.” That was the worst thing and the sweetest thing my husband of 18 years has ever said to me. I’ve been over 200 lbs since 2000. I was ashamed of how I looked. Yet I had every excuse in the book why I couldn’t lose weight. In May of 2015 the scale hit 297 lbs. I refused to let it hit 300.
On Mother’s Day my sister Michelle and I joined Lifetime Fitness. Lifetime gave me no chances for excuses. They have a wonderful; fun filled Kids Academy If it weren’t for Lifetime having this option I would still be close to if not more than 300 lbs.
We started working out with the one of the best trainers ever, Olo Onuma. We did an Active Metabolic Assessment test & learned the value of knowing our heart rate zones while working out. From the day I joined until August 1st I had lost 26 lbs. Unfortunately my weight loss had plateaued.
I turned to my trainer for advice. Olo told me that the 90 Day Challenge was exactly the incentive and support that I needed to get me back on track in my weight loss journey. I immediately signed up. I started out weighing 271 lbs. My sister and I purchased the D.TOX kit from the Life Café to start things right. During the 1st week I lost 13 lbs.
Our trainer Olo along with another fabulous trainer, Craig Long held special free workouts for everyone who joined the 90 Day Challenge to get a bonus group workout on Saturdays. Craig and Olo along with everyone who was taking the classes cheered each other along week by week.