
Olo Onuma featured in Weightwatchers Reimagined

Olo Onuma featured in Weightwatchers Reimagined

‘How to not blow your workout’ article by Weight Watchers online, asked Olo Onuma for his tip. Here is what he advised:

Olo Onuma advise for how to not blow your workout as seen in Weight Watchers Reimagined online







As cooler weather approaches, it can be really tempting to stay comfy and cozy in bed or on the couch instead of working out. We asked around for some tips to fight that urge to blow off your workout, so you can stick with your fitness routine through the fall and winter seasons.

“The cooler weather brings with it plenty of excuses for you to make to forgo your workout. It’s too cold! You’re snowed in! You’re going to catch a cold!” says personal trainer Olo Onuma.

Work out at home

“My advice for making it impossible to blow off your workout? Invest in fitness equipment to keep at home. Having equipment within reach (as low-cost as a kettlebell or resistance bands) will help you maintain a regular fitness routine and reduce all the temptation of laziness.”

Maintaining a solid baseline fitness level will also keep your endorphins high, Onuma says, which may help prevent or alleviate Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Olo Onuma featured in popular fitness publication: Live Strong

Olo Onuma featured in popular fitness publication: Live Strong

Popular online health and fitness publication, LiveStrong.com, asked several top scale trainers for advice on how they recover from tough workouts. Read or click below to read what recommendation our very own Olo, has recommended doing. (sydneespetgrooming.com)

Even if you utilize all of the post-workout recovery techniques in the world, you can still overtrain certain muscle groups and inhibit your progress if you aren’t strategic. Olo Onuma, a personal trainer in Raleigh, NC, suggests planning out the number, duration and substance of each workout session before the week starts.

For Onuma, this might look like training upper body on Monday and training legs on Tuesday. For someone who enjoys full-body workouts, a training split could include a heavy, low-rep workout on Monday, followed by a light, high-rep workout on Tuesday.