
Workouts For Mother And Baby

Workouts For Mother And Baby

If you feel time tugs everywhere and simply can’t find the extra time to get to the gym or hate to take precious time away from your newborn, these workouts for mother and baby are the perfect way to start getting back into shape and spend time with your little one, too. They’re fun for baby, great for getting into shape and give you more cuddle time with your little one. Keep it safe. Check with your health care professional before doing any of these exercises and make sure baby is old enough to hold his/her head up on his/her own without discomfort.

If you have a new born younger than three to four months, unable to maintain head up alone, try walking.

Both you and baby may not be ready for some exercises, so start with something easier that still offers exercise for you. Taking the baby for a walk in the park or even around the block is a good start. Putting on music and dancing with baby or even singing as you hold the baby in your arms or in a baby carrier and gently move around the room whether you’re dancing slow or fast is another way to get in some extra exercise. Try to keep your tummy pulled in as you do and make sure you have good posture.

Hold the baby as you do exercises.

There’s no reason you can’t do regular exercises, but modify them by holding your baby. The extra weight of the baby adds an additional challenge and burns more calories. You’ll work on your lower body and add a bit of strength to your arms as you do walking lunges with baby. Hold your baby in your arms snugly as you stand with good posture and eyes focused ahead. Take a step with your right leg, bending both of your knees to right angles. The right knee should be over your ankle and the back knee should be lowered toward the floor, lifting the heel as you do. Push back up to start position and put your feet together, then step off with the left foot.

Just lifting your baby will have you lifting an increasing weight.

As your baby grows, the baby’s weight increases, which is perfect for working your body harder. Adjusting the way you lift your baby can make a difference in what muscles you build. One easy to do exercise is nothing more than laying on your back, lifting your baby in the air with both hands and lowering the baby back down, almost touching your stomach, then back up into the air for 10 repetitions. Sitting with your legs crossed and lifting the baby is another way to work other muscles.

  • One simple exercise to do before any workout with baby is a tummy suck. Lift your head high, pull your shoulders back, inhale through your nose, then exhale as you pull your stomach in toward your spine.
  • Lay baby on his/her belly in front of you and get into modified push-up position on your knees, so that when you lower yourself, your eyes will meet baby’s eyes. Say peek-a-boo when you lower yourself. Then raise up and repeat. As you get stronger, switch to traditional push-up position.
  • You can modify any exercise by holding the baby in your arms when you do it. Squats and plies are examples you can do after two weeks if you had a vaginal delivery.
  • When you’re ready for a full program of exercise and need some “mommy time” we have private sessions and classes at Evolution Fitness that can help you build more energy and strength to prepare for the toddler stage.

For more information, contact us today at Evolution Lifestyle Fitness

Workouts With Jump Ropes

Workouts With Jump Ropes

At Evolution Fitness in Raleigh, NC, we focus on family fitness and look for ways to help solidify the concept of family fitness at home. Simple workouts with jump ropes don’t require fancy equipment and can be adjusted based on each person’s fitness level by difficulty and amount of time spent. One important thing to remember when choosing a jump rope, is to get a slightly heavier one. A heavier one will slow down how fast the rotation is and give you more feedback. Most people that have a problem jumping rope usually find this simple change of using a heavier rope makes it far easier.

Start with something simple and quick.

If you haven’t tried jumping rope for a while, you’ll find it’s far harder than you remember. You might want to start on your own before you get the kids involved. Here’s a beginner’s workout to get you started. You’ll use two types of jumps for this beginner workout, the basic jump, where you bounce on both feet at one time and the alternate foot jump, lifting one foot at a time. Do 30 seconds of the basic jump, then 30-seconds of rest. That’s followed by a 30 second session of alternate foot jumping, followed by a minute and a half of rest. Repeat. Do this with a heavier half pound rope. If you want to get more difficult, switch to a lighter weight rope and increase the amount of seconds you jump as you decrease your resting time.

You can modify your workout by changing the position of your feet.

Add jump rope jumping jacks to your war chest of exercises. Move your feet just as you do with jumping jacks, wide to narrow and then narrow to wide. Don’t start with your feet as wide apart as you can get them at first. Only widen them slightly then work toward further apart as you conquer it. You can cross your feet when you land or kick one foot forward when you jump. The goal is always to get both feet off the ground at the same time so the rope can pass under it.

Work the upper body with side swings or side swipes.

No matter what you call it, it’s a great workout for the upper body if you use a heavier rope. You won’t be jumping the rope, but swinging it to each side of your body. Make it rotate in a circle on one side and then swing the rope to the other side and do the same. Hold one end of the rope in each hand. If you start with the rotation on the left side, bring your right hand over and hold it just above the left hand. When you take the rope to the other side, the left hand should be on top. Use the same rhythm as you would to jump so you can add regular jumps after a few seconds.

  • Make sure your posture is good when you jump. Keep your back straight and stand tall. Imagine you’re trying to push your head straight toward the clouds. Your elbows should be tucked back and you should feel relaxed.
  • Use only your wrists to turn the rope. If you’re moving your shoulders or elbows, your form isn’t correct.
  • Don’t try to get too high off the ground when you jump. It should be done lightly, keeping your knees slightly bent when you jump.
  • Don’t depend on just rope jumping to get into shape. Just jumping ten minutes has the effect on your legs and knees as running an eight-minute mile. If you have joint problems, don’t jump until you seek the advice of your physician.

For more information, contact us today at Evolution Lifestyle Fitness

The Importance Of Protein In Your Diet

The Importance Of Protein In Your Diet

You probably hear about the importance of protein in your diet, but may not know why it’s important or really how much you should get and what foods should you eat to get it. There’s a lot of different theories about how much protein you need, based on your goal. Whether you follow a higher protein diet to keep you feeling fuller or a traditional healthy diet that’s lower in protein, keeping protein intake within certain perimeters is important to your health. Over long periods of time, too much is just as bad as not enough.

How much is enough?

The amount of protein you need is based on several factors, age, physical activity, gender and whether you’re pregnant or breastfeeding all play a role in determining the amount of protein you should eat in a day. The average person needs approximately 0.36 grams per pound of body weight. For those who are more active, 0.5 to 0.9 grams per pound of weight is important. As you age, your ability to process protein declines, so you might need more in your diet. Pregnant and lactating women also need extra protein.

Protein plays a role in every cell in your body.

Every cell has protein. It’s used to repair tissues and build cells. It acts as messengers when used in hormones and is included in making enzymes, plus many other chemicals in the body. It’s the building block of hair, fingernails, skin, blood, bones, muscle and cartilage, so you have a lot of it and need a lot for repair and replacement. However, protein isn’t stored and unlike fat, has no reserve to draw on if food is not available.

Not enough protein is harmful if it continues over a long time.

You won’t get sick from lack of protein in a day or even two. It’s chronic lack of protein that creates a problem. It can cause loss of muscle strength, cause muscle cramping, weakness and soreness, since the protein for muscle tissue is diverted to vital functions. It can hamper mental functioning, cause edema, organ failure and weaken the immune system. Severe lack of protein leads to kwashiorkor and marasmus. Kwashiorkor and marasmus are mostly in young children and mostly seen in third world countries where severe starvation occurs.

  • Excess protein in the diet can also cause health issues, like indigestion and intestinal problems, plus exhaustion, dehydration, nausea, diarrhea, headache and irritability with more severe excess causing disorders of the blood vessels, seizures, kidney disease, liver disease, cardiovascular disease and even death.
  • If you weighed 110 pounds and ate a pound of steak every day, but no other protein, you wouldn’t be eating excess protein. Eating more than 2.2 grams per pound is when it starts to get dangerous.
  • Protein supplements, not diet, tends to be the biggest problem where excess protein occurs. If you’re working out hard, building muscle tissue or are elderly with digestive issues, you may need it.
  • Your breath will give away an over-consumption of protein. Excess protein causes breath to have a smell that doesn’t go away with tooth brushing or flossing.

For more information, contact us today at Evolution Lifestyle

Healthy Habits For The Whole Family

Healthy Habits For The Whole Family

If you want to leave a legacy to your children, helping them achieve peak fitness and live a healthy lifestyle is one that can follow them for the rest of their life and help future generations. At Evolution Lifestyle Fitness in Raleigh, NC, we work with people of all ages and help develop healthy habits for the whole family that keep on giving to you and your children for years to come. Teaching children is best done by example, so what you do in your own life will help them in the future. It goes beyond that. There are fun ways to help make and keep your family healthy.

Family outings that are active or active pastimes at home offer more than just fitness.

You can still go to the movies, but it shouldn’t be the only thing you do with the family. In fact, there are far less expensive and more fun ways to spend family time. Hiking in the park with a picnic lunch or creating a hula hoop competition where the whole family has his or her own hula hoop and trains for it with the family for a final event can be fun. Sometimes, whole neighborhoods have adopted this type of competition and it’s perfect for social distancing. You can make chores more fun by turning on music and dancing through them. Is Rover or Kitty getting a bit pudgy? Make it a habit to involve pets, so they get exercise, too.

Have fun planning and cooking meals together.

You can do meal prep ahead of time on the weekend and get it done faster with the help of the whole family. Prepare a little extra for other weeks when your schedule is crowded. Creating meals is a good time to teach kids about healthy eating. You can use the rainbow plate as an example. The more colorful the plate, the healthier it is….as long as those colors don’t come from Skittles or M&Ms. Plan menus together and get the kids involved in grocery shopping, with each child responsible for finding one or two of the items. Let them help prepare healthy snacks ready for consumption in the refrigerator.

Form a loose schedule and stick with it.

It will be tough to create a tight schedule, where every day is the same, especially if kids are in a lot of extracurricular activities. However, the time to go to bed and get up should be consistent. Focus on having meals together as often as possible and carve out a night or two as strictly family time. You should also include a half hour to an hour of family activities that provide exercise every day. It could be as simple as going for a walk after supper or even exercising together in the backyard or living room.

  • Make time for the family and eat meals together. Try to eat together one meal a day. Talking together in person has become almost impossible and texts or phone calls aren’t the same thing. Listening and participating in conversation around the dinner table is how many children learn about the world.
  • Don’t forget that what kids drink is just as important as what they eat. Water or infused water is far better. Work with kids to make fruit laden ice cubes or infused water to give water more flavor without added sugar.
  • Say something nice to each member of the family every day or find something to be thankful for that day and discuss it. Looking for the good in life can lead to a healthier and more satisfying existence.
  • Create a family bedtime ritual. Turn off all electronic devises and read or talk to children when you put them to bed. You’re a far better influence on their lives than some YouTube video and you also make them feel more important.

For more information, contact us today at Evolution Lifestyle

Nutrition Myths

Nutrition Myths

There is misinformation on nutrition everywhere you look. Some misinformation comes from commercials, like those on high fructose corn syrup that say it’s healthy because it’s natural. There are other nutrition myths on the internet, sometimes because it lacked research into new findings and sometimes because no research was used to write the article. For instance, some people believe that it doesn’t matter what you eat, as long as the total calories are below a certain amount. It doesn’t account for nutritional needs or each person’s special needs, such hormonal imbalances that causes weight gain.

Fat is fattening and unhealthy.

It’s well proven that you need fat in your body to keep it running at peak performance. In fact, low fat diets may even increase the risk of changes in the body that make losing weight harder. Low fat foods often substitute sugar to enhance the flavor. Fat also fills you up quicker and longer. Part of the belief that fat was bad came from a mega study back in the 1960s completed by Harvard professors and paid for by the sugar industry. They were told to ignore all information on sugar and heart disease and only use those that mention fat.

Eating eggs is bad for your heart.

Some people eat only egg whites and forego the yolk because it contains higher amounts of cholesterol. While there is a higher amount of cholesterol in eggs, it doesn’t impact the body. In fact, the body actually cuts back on the cholesterol it creates to offset it. With that said, if you’re at risk for heart disease, have diabetes or over the age of 55, limit the number of eggs you eat to a couple a week and you should be fine.

It’s healthier to consume sugar substitutes than sugar.

While sugar isn’t healthy, that doesn’t make sugar substitutes healthy. Using these artificial sweeteners frequently have many negative health outcomes, too. It can cause a disruption in the bacteria in your gut, which in turn can affect all parts of the body. It increases the risk of diabetes and a recent study showed that seniors who drank diet cola every day had three times more visceral fat—belly fat—which is the most dangerous kind, compared to those that didn’t drink it. Those that drank it only occasionally had double the belly fat of those that didn’t.

  • Another myth is that all carbohydrates are bad and make you gain weight. That’s simply not true. Fruits and vegetables contain carbohydrates and are healthy. You need a certain amount of carbohydrates to be healthy.
  • Any processed food is bad is a deceptive statement. Fruits and vegetables that are cleaned and frozen are processed. The food that all the nutrients are processed out, adding extra sugar and additives that increase the calories.
  • Another myth is about potatoes. The key is to prepare them in a healthy manner. Bake, grill or roast them rather than eating them fried.
  • The last myth is that super low calorie diets will help you lose weight faster. It’s partially true. Eating fewer calories means more weight loss, but super low calorie diets aren’t sustainable and often slow the metabolism to make weight loss harder.

For more information, contact us today at Evolution Lifestyle Fitness

Great Family Exercises

Great Family Exercises

Evolution Lifestyle Fitness in Raleigh, NC, is focused of family fitness, getting and staying fit at all ages is important. However, there are many great family exercises and activities that can also aid in keeping the whole family fit. One important way parents can help their children lead an active lifestyle is to limit both computer and TV time for all family members, including mom and dad. Instead, schedule a more active option like riding bikes or shooting hoops. Even playing tag can be quite a workout for most people.

Take a walk together or go for a hike.

Your walk should be in your schedule, something you do after dinner every night or a brisk walk in the morning before work starts if you’re an early morning riser. On weekends, you can make that walk in a local park or other natural setting. Hiking is also a great way for the family to enjoy each other’s company and bond. Don’t forget to take a healthy picnic lunch and get the kids involved in making it.

Yard work, gardening and chores can be quite a workout and even fun.

You might not think that yard work or chores could be fun, but maybe you haven’t done them all together. Weeding a garden can be a contest, making it a race to see who gets the biggest pile. Just make the pile a short distance from the garden so everyone has to pull a few and get up and run to stack their weeds. Create a song parody about work from a familiar song with upbeat rhythm, such as If You’re Happy and You Know It and sing together as you work. It changes the mood from just doing tasks to fun.

Have a dance-off in the living room.

Turn on the music and start your moves. Dancing with the kids can be a blast. Is there a favorite song you can dramatically act out as you dance? That adds to the fun. If you don’t dance, don’t worry. Just move to the music and the kids will help you learn new moves. Dancing is a full body workout and you’ll be surprised at how tiring it can be when you have a playlist with just a short break between songs. Vary the rhythm of the songs so you have slower beats moving to faster ones and back down to a few minutes of slower music before the dance off ends. It provides the perfect warm up and cool down.

  • Just exercise, but challenge each other. You’ll each have different goals, so the challenge will be to complete your own goal or even do a few extra sets. Winner gets to choose the next family activity.
  • Create new healthy meals together. It’s not an exercise, but it’s a healthy family activity. It not only teaches children how to cook healthy meals, it makes it more likely that they’ll eat it, when they helped prepare it.
  • Whether it’s a U-Pick strawberries, blueberries, peaches or apples, it’s hard work and also a lot of fun. The experience also provides a learning opportunity about where food comes from and how it’s grown.
  • Teach them to give back and get fit at the same time with volunteer work. It doesn’t have to be as formal as Habitat for Humanity, but can be as simple as helping an older neighbor with tasks.

For more information, contact us today at Evolution Lifestyle Fitness

Easy Workouts To Do While Kids Are Napping

Easy Workouts To Do While Kids Are Napping

Exercise is so important that I encourage people to workout, even if they can’t make it to the gym. With everything going on, sometimes getting a babysitter is impossible or simply not prudent if they’re sick. That’s why I love to suggest alternatives for those days. They’re easy workouts you can do at home when you have the opportunity, which is normally nap time. Some involve short but intense workouts, others are longer and less intense. You’ll revive your energy when you give yourself the gift of working out.

Create your own circuit training routine.

One of the best types of workouts is circuit training, especially if you vary the speed of the workout and make it HIIT training, too. Choose three or four exercises. It could be mountain climbers, burpees and lunges. Do a minute of each one without a rest in between and then pace for two to three minutes for recovery. If you do four sets, which takes about twenty minutes, you’ll get your heart racing and have a workout that really works.

You don’t need weights for strength training.

You can do strength training at home without weights. Just use what you have on hand, such as water bottles filled with sand or water or a milk or detergent bottle with a handle. Even soup cans can be good starting weights. Consider these exercises done one after another, chest presses, squats, bodyweight lunges, bent over rows, overhead shoulder presses and single arm kickbacks. Do 12 repetitions of each, rest 60 seconds. Do a second set, rest and repeat. If you aim for about three to four seconds for each repetition, it will take you about 15 minutes.

Too much to do? Make your work, your workout.

Most at home moms and dads have way too much to do, which can include not only housework and child care but may also be teleworking from home. That makes time even more limited. Multitask and use your cleaning time to get a workout. Vacuum with vigor, making each push of the vacuum a lunge. Do squats as you pick up laundry and run up and down stairs when necessary. A complete squat can be done folding clothes and putting them in the basket and leg/calf raises are compatible with doing dishes, or working at the sink.

  • No matter what type of workout you do, don’t forget to warm up first. Jumping rope for a minute, walk around the room or run in place.
  • Don’t make it a formal workout. Put in your earbuds, turn up the music and dance like there’s no tomorrow. It doesn’t have to be beautiful…nobody is looking. Turn off the music and walk around the room. It gives you a recovery time and lets you check on the kids.
  • Don’t worry about nap time workouts. Instead, get your child involved with your workout. You’ll be teaching them good habits and have fun at the same time. For babies, exercise while you’re holding them with moves like squats.
  • If you have a child that’s five years old or older, bring them to Evolution Lifestyle Fitness with you. We have classes for people of all ages, starting at five. You can get your workout, while they learn, too.

For more information, contact us today at Evolution Lifestyle Fitness

How To Always Stay Hydrated

How To Always Stay Hydrated

It’s hot in Raleigh, NC, and that makes it easy in the summer to suffer from dehydration, especially if you’re doing something physical. Even mild dehydration can cause physical problems, which is why it’s important to find ways to stay hydrated. If you want to feel your best, be your sharpest and look fantastic, adequate hydration is important. Don’t turn to soft drinks or coffee to do it and unless you’re working out over an hour, sports drinks aren’t necessary. Instead, turn to the world’s best diet drink that has zero calories—water.

Why is it important to stay hydrated?

Your brain and your heart are approximately 73% water, and they’re two of the most important organs in the body. Every time you breathe, the air goes into your lungs, which is 83% water. Consider what would happen if you don’t have enough fluid. It would affect your brain, lungs and heart. You’d feel mentally confused, have rapid breathing and a rapid heartbeat. It only makes sense that it’s important to sip water throughout your workout to prevent that from occurring and make your workout better.

Carry a bottle of water with you at all times and you’ll be less prone to dehydration.

Drinking water throughout the day, so you get at least eight 8-oz glasses of water, is important. On days when you sweat profusely, increase your water intake. Have you ever noticed how delicious watermelon or other juicy fruit sounds on a hot day, even if you’re full? It may be because you’re craving the liquid in the fruit. Too often people mistake thirst for hunger and eat trying to fill their craving. If you drink a glass of water when you feel hungry, it will fill you up and fill the need for fluid, if that’s the problem. It could be just the tip you need to lose more weight.

So how do you drink more water?

Coffee just won’t do. It is a diuretic. Sugary drinks are also off the list of acceptable drinks, if for nothing more than just adding empty calories. If you don’t like the flavor of plain water, why not try some infused water. Just add cut up fruit, vegetables or herbs to water and allow the flavors to blend into the water for at least 12 hours in the refrigerator. There are many benefits of drinking infused water, depending on what you infuse it with. However, most people love the fact that it’s healthy, has few if any calories and tastes delicious. It can even help you lose weight.

  • Instead of a sports drink, consider drinking coconut water. Coconut water consumed on a regular basis can help control blood pressure and improve digestion. It aids in maintaining electrolyte balance.
  • If you’re feeling sleepy or tired and want a wake up cure, don’t head for the coffee. Instead, try drinking a glass of cold water. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it wakes you up.
  • Enjoy an ice cold herbal tea in the summer and a warm cup in the winter. Herbal tea, such as hibiscus, rose or chamomile tea are good ones to hydrate you and taste delicious. They have other benefits, too.
  • If you’re older, be more vigilant about staying hydrated. Seniors dehydrate quicker and often miss the cues that they’re thirsty. Even mild dehydration in seniors can cause UITs and symptoms that resemble dementia.

For more information, contact us today at Evolution Lifestyle Fitness

Is Swimming Good For Weight Loss?

Is Swimming Good For Weight Loss?

People often ask me why I talk about other types of exercise, which don’t involve coming to Evolution Lifestyle Fitness or linking to our website. It’s because I want everyone to enjoy the joys of being active and swimming is a very active sport. It’s fun and a good way to spend time with the family, while burning extra calories for weight loss.

Swimming burns lots of calories.

Just like any type of cardio, swimming helps burn calories. Not only does it provide a great workout to boost your heart health, it also helps boost the calories you burn. Unlike walking, running or bike riding, when you swim, you have an additional obstacle to face. That’s the extra resistance that water adds to the workout. It forces your body to use more muscle. Just walking in a pool that’s waist high can be far more wearing and difficult, burning more calories, than walking the same distance on dry land.

Swimming helps build strength as it burns calories.

The resistance of water works your muscles to burn extra calories as you do it, but it does even more than that, it builds muscle tissue. Muscle tissue requires more calories 24/7 than fat tissue does, so you’ll be boosting your metabolism as you build more muscle tissue. One study showed that middle aged women that spent just 60 minutes swimming three times a week lost substantial amounts of body fat, not just weight.

You’ll lose abdominal fat, too.

Visceral fat, which is the fat around your belly that crowds organs and is the most dangerous, is also the hardest to lose. When you lose weight, you lose it all over your body, but you can target core strength and burning abdominal fat with certain exercises. Butterfly kicks builds obliques and flutter kicks increases the strength in the lower abdomen. A study done in 2015 in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation found that swimming as little as three times a week caused the swimmers to lose more fat to come off the waist and hip area than their counterparts who walked that often.

  • Swimming is healthy for people of all ages due to its low impact. It’s far easier on the joints than running and many other cardio workouts and also causes less damage than lifting weights.
  • The number of calories you burn when you swim depends on how vigorous you are and your present weight. It can burn as much as 800 calories an hour for an intense workout to 500 calories an hour for a moderate one.
  • Swimming helps build core strength and works both the upper and lower body. It helps improve muscle definition, too.
  • Don’t forget that you still need to eat healthy, so if you spend the day at the beach, take a long a cooler of healthy snacks and meals to avoid buying unhealthy food at the concession stand.

For more information, contact us today at Evolution Lifestyle Fitness

Why Running Is Good For Your Heart?

Why Running Is Good For Your Heart?

You need all types of exercise to be truly healthy. You need ones that keep you flexible, ones that keep you strong and ones that improve your endurance and cardiovascular system. One of the easiest ways to get that cardio is by running. Running has a number of benefits. You can do it anywhere. It doesn’t require much equipment, outside of a good pair of running shoes. Aside from ensuring you have good posture, running for fun doesn’t require a lot of training either. Running is good for your heart and provides many other healthy benefits.

Running boosts the strength of your heart.

Just like any other muscle, the heart needs a workout to be strong. You wouldn’t expect to get strong biceps without specifically working those muscles. There’s no difference when it comes to the heart, which is a muscle also. Running increases the efficiency of the heart by strengthening the walls of the heart.

Running can help you lose weight.

Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths. In order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. Running burns calories. The key to being successful with using running as a weight loss aid is the same as it is for any type of exercise. First, you have to combine it with a healthy diet. Second, you have to be consistent. Third, you have to start off slower and work your way to faster times and longer runs.

Running helps lower both blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Low density lipoproteins—LDL, the bad cholesterol, decrease if you run 30 minutes three to five times a week. High levels of LDLs in your blood can build up and cause plaque, blocking arteries. Running can help lower the levels and prevent it from occurring. In fact, it can even reduce the amount of plaque already there. Running is also proven to help lower blood pressure levels. Like any physical activity, doing it consistently is important to get the results you want.

  • You need all types of exercises, strength, cardio, flexibility and balance, to be truly fit. While running burns a lot of calories, it uses both muscle and fat tissue to provide those calories. Add strength training two or three days a week to ensure you don’t lose muscle mass.
  • You’ll be asking your heart to do less work when you run regularly. Running strengthens the heart and lowers the pulse rate, while providing more oxygen. That means your heart won’t have to work harder.
  • Running helps improve circulation and reduces the risk of blood clots. Running regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease by as much as 55%.
  • A healthy diet is just as important as regular exercise, so make sure you have that as part of your fitness regimen. If you’re trying to shed weight, a healthy diet is the first place to start. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.

For more information, contact us today at Evolution Lifestyle Fitness