
It's Never Too Late To Get Fit

It’s Never Too Late To Get Fit

If you’ve given up ever becoming fit again or losing weight, change your mind. No matter what age you are or how out of shape you are it’s never too late to get fit. The more out of shape you are, the slower the initial process. The same is true for those with health issues […]

Should We Eat Like Cavemen

Should We Eat Like Cavemen

Yes, the paleo diet does tell you to eat like cavemen, but if you’re eating in Raleigh, NC capturing your prey and foraging the woods for berries and greens isn’t a lifestyle everyone can follow. However, the concept of eating similar foods to that of a caveman is a far healthier idea than the average […]

Low Carb Diet Good Or Bad

Low Carb Diet Good Or Bad

There’s nothing new about a low carb diet. In the 1920s it was used to help control seizures. Prior to that fasting was used for 1400 years, but you can easily see why that wasn’t sustainable. However, body builders latched on to it for weight loss, then a stream of low carb diets were started […]

How To Fall In Love With Fitness

How To Fall In Love With Fitness

If fitness were like painting a room or completing a paper, you could muscle through it. However, it’s a commitment that requires daily attention for the rest of your life. Dreading your workout or resenting healthy eating over the long haul will take its toll. In order to be successful for the rest of your […]

Sweat Is Just Your Fat Crying

Sweat Is Just Your Fat Crying

I saw one of my clients wearing a T-shirt that said, “Sweat Is Just Your Fat Crying,” and I loved it. While it isn’t scientifically accurate, who cares, it’s a fun phrase that helps you remember that when you work hard, you get results. However, just because you sweat, it doesn’t mean you’ve gotten the […]

Signs You Might Need To Drink More Water

Signs You Might Need To Drink More Water

Dehydration can occur quite easily, especially if you’re working out in the summer heat. It can be so severe that it even causes death. However, there are types of mild dehydration that may occur every day that don’t have an immediate obvious effect, but can cause damage that can range from mild to severe. The […]

Improve Your Memory With Spinach

Improve Your Memory With Spinach

You don’t have to be aging to find yourself at a loss for that one specific word or forget where you left your keys. However, as you age, forgetting things may occur more frequently. Whether you’re facing your senior years, in your senior years or just a young kid, boosting your memory can be a […]

Sprinkle On Some Turmeric For A Healthier Meal

Sprinkle On Some Turmeric For A Healthier Meal

You know I’m always advocating for healthier eating and getting more nutrition from healthier foods. That’s why adding spices and herbs can enhance the nutritional value of a meal, without adding extra calories. There are all types to choose from, but I’m focusing on adding turmeric for a healthier meal because it can also help […]